This game really is super fun and I'm gonna play the next one soon! EverGreen Music remix the soundtrack super well and the graphics are amazing...and the memes )_) oh my god you guys are just something else ^^; 9/10 game cause sometimes I grab agro from enemies who I cant even see yet and uh mostly in the real world sections they can shoot through the barricades and sometimes the trees but other than that Nice!!
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the level where you need to save flower boi is hard
Bitch got that boy from "picrew" ;_;
funnily this is my first shooter ever but it's a lot of fun lmao
omori mixed with doom,awesome
i got ketchup mixed with lettuce
cuz everytime i wake up in the mornin'
i got borgors on my mind
ill get a number two, two to number nine yeah
masterpiece game
murder (the game) 2
damn this is hard af
how do i open the door?
shoot it!
oh thanks
Do you remember me?? :O I'm Stardust!! Idk how we lost contact but here is my discord: Stardust#8355
I saw ManlyBadassHero upload a let's play of your newest game! Man I'm hella proud of you and wanted to let you know <3
i love this game so much oh my god
this game is cool im angry and sad at the same time![Image result for omori basil angry]()
rizz apple is so real.
Rip and tear until it is done. That was the best thing ever.
The uzi in the second level is a stock image
when omori finds a gun
should make this a doom mod
The Jokes 10/10
the gameplay10/10
the music 11/10
Keep up the great work👍
omfg Bruh the music is a banger, Bruh why it got to hit so hard.
and two of my fav games combined. ngl I would not be mad if u had people pay for this.
this is Awesome!
I cannot explain just how long it took me to get out the first part of the game, those darn trees
Me too, not da trees doe. I was waiting in the start room for an hour thinking a timed event was gonna go off then I realized I had to shoot the door.
I can't just show how much this game is perfect, that's a pure utopia
just finished it
yaaaas queen
The 1911 in the start turns into a glock when you reload lmao
Also, the face your fears one is kinda BS. Bullet hell in first person in physically painful.
Edit: No wonder this game is so full of memes, y'all are the people who made Shagster online
i hate how entertaining this was
9/10 game cause sometimes I grab agro from enemies who I cant even see yet and uh mostly in the real world sections they can shoot through the barricades and sometimes the trees but other than that Nice!!
The memes..... XD
Me not liking RPG combat normally but loving omori:
The perfect game does not exi-
This has to be the best thing i have ever played this year. I had no idea it was going to be this high quality, I would play again.
this is the best creation known to man kind 10 outta 10 masta piece
Masterpiece, this is the game of the year. It's funny, full of action, sad, dramatic, and flawless(the sad and dramatic parts are Kel's death.)
Kel being in this makes it canon.
Great game
enjoyed it 10/10
basically doom 1993
so a top tier game
I did in this game what i did when i played that game - abused the hell out of the range of the weapons
yey 10/10 game