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(Duke Nukem' Theme Start) I like to do nothing! (Rest of Duke Nukem' Theme)

awesome game



incredible, simply phenomenal


this is amazing


Can't get enough of the old school style shooters. Very well made game.


Vine Boom Sound Effect



el mejor juego que existe existira y existio


This is the funniest shit. Need that part 2 asap


I like it.

(1 edit) (+2)

me when i get ANY gun: "death is in the air"

hAD A AMAZIng time playing this and when i saw this i was really happy so ty


I just finished my series on my youtube channel of omori and was sad that it had ended since it was such an amazing game and then i came across this and was surprise just on how good this is. Had a blast playing this game and be awesome if more content like this gets made. Feel free to check my video on this game if you would like :) 


RAGE 100%


doesnt let me play i cant see it 

Knife is good, but gun is better. 10/10


Good parody. Never played Omori, but played Doom, which is a unusual, but fun combination. Congrats for the game.


Hiii, I've made a video about the game and wanted to share some feedback about it, hoipefully it is useful to you ^^

-The idea of the game catches some nice Doom vibes and has something original on it.

-The gameplay mechanics are easy to understand and once you beat the second level the difficulty curve gets more stable.

-Visually the game looks pretty great and interesting as it maches nicely with the theme of the game.

-I would add a full implementation of the controls on the keyboard just to give the game some extra classic doom vibes.

Hopefully this is useful for the development :D, also if you could subscribe that would help me a lot :)



This game is extremely fun, Pluto kept whopping my tail towards the end, but I still had fun. Good work.


Extremely fun game, very excited for more!




I loved this and I can't wait for a sequel 

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Great game!

Game takes about 30 Minutes.

Animations are cute!

Sound Track is really good!

Feels like DOOM just with OMORI design. 

The change of weopen is also nice, but the Shotgun is more like a Sniper :^) (BUT I DONT MIND <333 ). 

World design is accurate to the original, (If you dont count the connections in between (which are also well done :)  ))

The story is short and has humor. 

(Spoiler incomming)

I like the part where Aubrey dies :) 

Good Game waiting for a sequel <3

The End? 

I beat the game and I've gotta say it was really fun!

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It can take a few tries but its mainly just about taking out the enmies as fast as possible and knowing where to go to heal up

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Ah yea its best to take out all the enemies. They may seem insignificant at first but once theres like 10 around you, you're doomed unless you can dodge well.

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