DOOMORI Debug Menu Guide

The Debug Menu is a tool you can use to load any area of the game, it’s useful in fixing bugs, playtesting, skipping levels, replaying past levels, and replaying cutscenes, however abuse of the debug menu can lead to corrupted saves so use at your own risk!

To access the debug menu hold Left Shift and press B on the title screen.

You can return to the title screen by pressing Escape. You can type a command into the box and hit the button below to load the command, if the command is incorrect, nothing will load, commands aren’t case sensitive.


 - “Debug”, refreshes the debug menu

 - “VersionCheck”, makes sure your game is up to date (internet connection required) if your copy isn’t up to date you’ll be given an error screen, if it is up to date you’ll be returned to the title screen.

 - “LV1”, loads the first level (Vast Forest)

 - “LV2”, loads the second level (Otherworld)

 - “LV3”, loads the third level (Blackspace)

 - “LV4”, loads the fourth level (Faraway)

 - “LV4 - Night”, loads the second half of the last level (Faraway)

 - “Welcome”, loads the first “Welcome to White Space message”, and also clears your save.

 - “LV2 Intro”, loads the second “Welcome to White Space” message

 - “LV3 Intro”, loads the third “Welcome to White Space” message

 - “LV4 Intro”, loads the “Wake Up” message

 - “LV4 - Save Basil”, loads the “Stop Aubrey save the Flower Boy” message

 - “Aubrey Cutscene”, plays the first cutscene

 - “Basil Cutscene”, plays the final cutscene

 - “CreditsFinale”, plays the ending credits

 - “Credits”, loads the credits menu

 - “Discord”, loads the discord menu

 - “More Omori”, opens the Omori MP menu

 - “TitleScreen”, opens the title screen


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